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"Our sense of beauty was shaped by evolution to embody an awareness of what is difficult as opposed to easy, rare as opposed to common, costly as opposed to cheap, skillful as opposed to talentless, and fit as opposed to unfit." 
  Geoffrey Miller, The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature




"Close your Deleuze; open your Darwin." — Robert Storey, Mimesis and the Human Animal: On the Biogenetic Foundations of Literary Representation



Entelechy¹: Mind and Culture aims to publish creative (and 'beautiful') work that is:

 concerned with ideas

psychological, philosophical, spiritual, scientific, political, mathematical, semiotic, memetic, postmodern, evolutionary, and revolutionary.

Evolutionary fiction and biofiction; Darwinian literary criticism; as well as essays, art, poems, and reviews with evolutionary themes.  

i.e., work which attempts to bridge the arts and humanities with science. Work, then, by artistic and literary scientists; as well as scientific/science-interested writers and artists, and anything in-between and beyond.

e.g., work by artists and writers who want to connect with their audience; who are driven to heal or raise the consciousness of their audience (i.e., who are compelled to affect their audience emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, aesthetically, morally); who are fearless in style and content.


Submit: Smart, sexy, hip-ish, creative pieces on the brain, psychology, philosophy, art, religion, spirituality, anthropology, evolutionary theory, evolutionary psychology, neurophilosophy, sociobiology, love, sex, culture, memetics, ad infintum.



Maybe a piece called “The Semiotics of Shoe Shapes;” or an article on the neural basis of religion called “The God Module and You”; a poem or photograph entitled “Not a Mind-Body Problem”; a short story about an existential philosophy professor and his affair with the essentialist geneticist next door; a Darwinian literary crit perspective on The Hours or Middlesex; yet another review of The Blank Slate or The Darwinian Left, etc.; all these would be of interest. Again, this is not academic, though it is, perhaps, inspired by academic thought/research.


All suggestions and ideas and proposals and thoughts and memes and submissions are welcome!




If you are writing fiction/creative nonfiction with biological, neurological, psychological and/or evolutionary language and lenses, consider submitting your work for the EBP. Up to 12 pages. Winner receives monetary prize, publication in online 7th issue, and possible hard copy publication in the future.


Check back for more details on judges, prize $, how to submit, reading fee, etc.


Send your work for Fall/Winter issue (No. 6) of Entelechy: Mind & Culture, with a brief cover letter to: (Alice Andrews, editor).

Submit anytime up until September 1, but decisions won't be made until early October, 2005.

Maximum length: 12 pages.

In Subject line, write only the title of your work.


For artwork, a link to a website is preferable, but up to 3 jpegs is okay, too.


Send poetry to: (P.P. Levine, poetry editor; Alice Andrews, editor).

Maximum length: 5 pages; 3 poems.

In Subject line, write only the title of one of your poems.





Alice Andrews |  Editor/Founder

Alice Andrews (with degrees from Columbia University) teaches psychology with an evolutionary lens at the State University of New York at New Paltz. She is an editor and writer (books and magazines), and was the associate editor of Chronogram  from 2000-2002. She is also the author of Trine Erotic (Vivisphere, 2002), a novel (biofiction) that is used in various college courses nationwide because of its behavioral science themes and exploration of evolutionary psychology.


                      photo: Jim Andrews




P. P. Levine |  Poetry Editor

P.P. Levine is a poet, actor, director, yurt dweller. He is the poetry editor for the Hudson Valley magazine Chronogram, has been the host for three years of the Monday night Poetry/Prose/Performance open-mic at the Colony Cafe in Woodstock, NY, and is the president of the Woodstock Poetry Society. Phillip is a four-year alumnus of the Chenango Valley Writers' Conference and was a scholarship attendee and invited reader in 2002. He was a featured poet at both the 2001 and 2002 Woodstock Poetry Festivals and competed in the 2000 National Poetry Slam.





 Copyright   ©   2005     Entelechy: Mind & Culture.  New Paltz,  NY. All rights reserved.